Ruru is a

︎︎︎Multidisciplinary Designer


Base in New York




“(O,O,O)” is a short experimental film set in the ruins of a medieval art museum filled with abandoned artworks and artifacts. The lonely, monotonous existence of the museum’s collection is suddenly disrupted by a visitation from a mysterious floating bubble, whose arrival fills the artworks with life and emotion. Packed with symbolic representation and multiplicitous meanings, this film is a visual exploration of power dynamics within a globalized society. Like artworks, power relations must be examined from multiple dimensions. The consolidation of authority, international relations, restrictions of freedom, and the threat of social decline are all ideas driving the film’s abstract narrative.

  Eyes can be deceiving; the appearance of objects might not be what they seem or what we were taught. The textures we feel may not be in physical reality. I assume everything we think we know is based on experience and social education. Referring to the theory of deconstructionism: all definitions and classification of things in this world are unstable and arbitrary.

Cinema 4D/ Compositing / VFX/ Photo Projection

story board︎︎︎
